Question: 1 / 50

What is the key to entering a freeway?

Accelerate and match the speed of freeway traffic in the right lane

Check the traffic around you and merge cautiously

Signal before merging onto the freeway

All of the above

The correct answer emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach when entering a freeway. Each aspect mentioned plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe and smooth merge into high-speed traffic. Accelerating to match the speed of freeway traffic is vital because it helps prevent disruptions in the flow of traffic and reduces the risk of accidents that can occur when entering a lane at a significantly lower speed. This practice allows the merging driver to seamlessly integrate into the existing stream of vehicles without forcing others to brake or change lanes unexpectedly. Checking the traffic around you before merging is equally important. This practice helps the driver be aware of the positions and speeds of nearby vehicles, allowing for better decision-making during the merge. Awareness of one's surroundings is crucial for safety, especially in high-speed environments. Signaling before merging onto the freeway informs other drivers of your intentions. This communication is essential for maintaining safety on the road, as it allows other vehicles to adjust their speed or position in response to your movements. Incorporating all these practices fosters a safer merging process and enhances the overall safety of freeway driving.


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